Ghost Story of The Net from The Ocean

Published by Kafe Penyelaman on


This photos will tell us a true fact that happen about ghost which can be a threat to the ocean life. The ghost that destroy everything against it. So please prepare your heart when you see the slides below.

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Kafe Penyelaman

As an archipelago country, Indonesia has area covered with waters bigger than land. Kafe Penyelaman wants to improve the business scope in underwater services to explore how beautiful marine life and ecosystem. Our company is an Indonesian dive center based in Cibubur and undertakes tasks covering all over Indonesia waters. Our orientation is to provide professionalism, customer focused services and competitive cost effective solution. We are supported by professional, skilled and experienced diver and scientist coral reef expert in order to ensure accurate and competent service delivery, endeavouring at all times to satisfied our client safety, quality, technical and commercial objective.